Thursday, July 21, 2011

Sad Lonely Blog

My poor blog. I think it has missed me. It gets visited often to blog stalk others, but the poor thing has been screaming for an update, so here goes,...

Grant got another promotion. YAY!!! He now works at the corporate office in Idaho Falls, and he L-O-V-E-S his job! So much so that we're considering not doing law school anymore. He's still going to take the LSAT, and he's still keeping up that GPA, but we love it here, so why would we leave such a love fest? I never thought Idaho would be our forever home, but I really can't see us leaving anytime soon.

 she thinks she's a model

 Such a ham!
Sienna spent 3 1/2 weeks in Texas!!! It was horrible for me, but lovely for her. She shopped, spent time with cousins, and partied hard. My parents had the time of her life with her there, I know this because my days were so dull without her! There are some parents that need breaks from kiddos, but I can truly say that I cherish each and every sweet drop of time with mine. They are so utterly perfect. A part of my heart was gone the whole time she was gone. I'm so glad she's back! Now I have an excuse to go get snow cones more often.;) I feel like she grew a foot while she was gone. She seems so much older and funnier. She got home and informed me that Disney Junior isn't cool anymore. I have my awesome 10 year old nephew to thank for that. It's taken a week, but she's back to watching her innocent cartoons in the mornings. She has been full of funny tid bits and stories, one of which happened before she left, but unraveled while she was gone.

I have blogged about Grant's interesting way of feeding Mags on Saturday mornings. Throwing fruit loops on the floor and letting her vacuum them up with her mouth. Well it was last month on a Sunday morning that we were all getting dressed and Mags was fussy. I asked Grant what she had eaten, since he feeds the kids, and I dress them on Sundays. He replied,"Bread and water." He was serious. BREAD AND WATER!!! What the is he thinking??? I responded, "YOU HAVE TO FEED THE CHILDREN!!! THEY ARE NOT IN PRISON!!!! WITH A SPOON OR FORK SITTING AT THE TABLE LIKE HUMANS!!!!" Seriously, is that to much to ask? I might have raised my voice a little because Sienna said, "Mommy don't be mean to daddy!" That day at church she told her teacher that we fight a lot. Awesome. The teacher went to the Bishop. Double awesome. Luckily the bishop knows us well, and thought nothing of it. I think this is pay back from when I was little and told everyone that my parents were getting divorced because I thought it was cool that one of my friends got two of everything. Oh well, it's funny. She's our little peace maker. Honestly I now don't raise my voice in fear that I'll get called into the bishop's office. It's funny because she told me two days ago that she's glad that I don't ever yell at her. Why couldn't she tell her Primary teachers that?!

 Her buddy Scout.
 The way to her heart is still through her stomach.
Mags is developing oh so sweetly. She's so smart. We can ask her to go get something or throw something away and she understands and does it! She nods if she wants something and shakes her head when she's not pleased with us. I swear I heard her first sentence the other day. It was probably a fluke, but I gave her a bowl of green beans with a fork and she was patiently trying to poke them onto the fork and I heard her say, "I got it." I turned around to see a green bean on her fork, and I looked at her and asked if she just said I got it. She replied, "Yep." It was probably a coincidence, but it is looking like she's going to be like big sister. Sienna surprised me at 10 months when I sneezed in the car and she said bless you. Mags is a lot more quiet and reserved than Sienna is, but she is a feisty one. Now that Sienna is back, she thinks that she's the boss. If Sienna is requiring to much of my attention, she quietly walks over and slaps her. No bueno. Silent assassin strikes again. We are working on it, and she knows that she is doing something wrong, but with that baby face, she also knows she can get away with it. She has recently discovered that shoes mean go, so she brings me shoes all day long until we go some where. It's so cute. If she catches me putting on make up she immediately goes and sits by the door and awaits her next big adventure. She gets seriously disappointed when I'm just putting it on because Daddy's coming home. It's short lived though, because the second Grant walks in she's all smiles. The girl loves her daddy.

I've been good. As most of you know we had another miscarriage last month. That's two within five months. It sucks. I know it sounds shallow, but because they were both a little later on, I gained a fair amount of weight with both and I'm so self conscience about it. I have all this baby weight and no baby to show for it. When I have healthy babies it's super easy for me to lose the baby weight, but with miscarriage it takes my body a couple of months to realize that I'm not pregnant anymore. I still have a lot of symptoms, and I can take a pregnancy test and it's positive.  I just can't wait until I'm back to my normal size. I can't fit into all my normal clothes, so it doesn't help that I feel out of style too. I know, it's shallow. I just want to find out what's causing these miscarriages, and have the rest of our children!

As hard as all this has been, I'm constantly reminded of how blessed I am. My children are, as I said before perfect. My husband will sit there while I gripe at him about feeding the kids, and not say a cross word back. I love him so much. I have the true gospel in my life. Grant has a wonderful job that he loves and provides for us. I get to work as a stay at home mom in a bad economy. I have wonderful friends that will surprise visit me just when I need it most. We have wonderful parents, grandparents, siblings, aunts, uncles, cousins, and so on. I feel so blessed to be living my life.  You know you have it pretty good when horrible things happen, and you're still happy beyond measure. Yes I'm sad at times, and I have those days where I stay in pajamas and watch movies and TV all day long, but for the most part I know this is a wonderful life.

They love each other.

1 comment:

A Tale of Three said...

Oh my goodness, the teacher went to the bishop! That's crazy. Lived reading about your family, and I thought Sienna's pictures were funny that she poses.

I was very sad to hear about your losses. Know that you have a ton of people thinking about you and praying for you. I don't know why, but I found that knowledge such an amazing comfort when we found out we'd be loosing Avery. I don't even kind of think you're shallow for the weight woes. I am also struggling to lose extra weight (twin pudge) with only one baby to show for it. It isn't important, but fitting into non-maternity pants would sure be nice.

Glad you're loving Idaho. Sounds like a good place to be.