Friday, February 18, 2011

High and Low

My awesome friend Ailinh started a new High and Low thingy where you post the highs and lows of the week, so I decided to give it a try! You all should too,...

High: Shopping with my sis in law, and getting a great deal on some clothes!
Low: realizing that I gained back all the weight I lost, back to dieting,...

High: Grant coming home early one night and getting to go to the store with him.(this almost never happens on a week night)
Low: Sienna's total melt down because we wouldn't let her get Subway at Walmart. Sorry poor greeter that had to listen to the screams while Grant got the car.

High: Working out everyday this week! Man it feels good, and makes me a lot more patient with the kiddos!!!
Low: I can barely move my legs.

High: Maggie falls more in love with her daddy everyday!
Low: I no longer cut it. If she wants daddy, she'll scream until he comes home. No bueno.

High: Sienna is becoming very conscience of what is healthy and what's not.
Low: Sienna commenting on how large a woman was and telling me in a very loud voice that she must not eat very many healthy things. I wanted to crawl under a rock.

High: Doing this blog.
Low: Not knowing how to link it up. Help Ailinh!!!



ailinh said...

oh I just died reading about Sienna as the healthy police. She is a hoot! Love that girl... And don't worry about linking up, woman. A few people are having the same problems, so I'll work on something to make it easier to link up for next time! xoxo

amber said...

Hahaha, I love the comment Sienna said about the lady, ohhhh man. :)